Hello PURA Families and Caregivers!

To help celebrate in the months leading up to the 10th Anniversary of the discovery of PURA Syndrome, the PURA Syndrome Foundation partnered with Behavioral Change Specialist and author of The Kindness Method Shahroo Izadi to create self-care resources for our PURA caregiver community! Please click the link below to find The Oxygen Mask Project materials. We hope you will find them to be useful tools to launch or continue your own self-care.

We’d also like to take a moment and offer a special thanks to PURA parent Caroline Thorpe for her vision and hard work on this project – thank you Caroline!

Self-Care for Caregivers: The Oxygen Mask Project

If you have any comments, feedback, or ideas for future resources, please contact [email protected].

The PURA Syndrome Foundation