Hooray! πŸŽ‰Β We did it! Thanks to your generosity, we made it to over $100,000 on Rare Disease Day, February 28, and will receive a match of $100,000 from an equally as generous PURA family!

Our overall goal for the Together for PURA campaign is $250,000, and we will still be working towards the last $49,000 until our conference in June. So, if you have yet to give, it’s not too late! Corporate matches can also help us reach our goal so be sure to check if your employer will match your donation.

We are also excited to announce that we will be holding a March Madness Auction from March 18 – April 7 for two athletic items signed by American professional basketball player Caitlin Clark! We will be announcing these items shortly so stay tuned. Dr. Janowski’s paintings are still available for bidding through March 15 so don’t delay – bid now! Questions? Please contact Nancy atΒ [email protected].

Thank you again, we couldn’t be more proud to be part of this generous PURA Community!

Liz and Eva
PURA Syndrome Foundation

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